A tanker truck overturned and approximately 200-300 gallons of heating oil was released to the ground surface and immediately into a storm drain. The storm drain traversed beneath the adjacent roadway to an outfall located approximately one-half mile to an outfall discharging to a tributary.

ACE responded to the release and, as directed by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and the local fire department, implemented measures to minimize impacts, removing and properly disposing spent sorbent material, and investigating the extent of impacts.

Upon arrival, heating oil was visible at the storm water drains outfall. ACE personnel deployed vacuum trucks to remove free product and booms were placed in the storm water outfall area to minimize impacts. Free standing heating oil and contaminated debris were observed in storm water manholes. The fire department provided a fire truck and dispensed approximately 5,000-gallons of water to flush the storm drain system. The flushed product was contained and removed for proper disposal.


ACE continued to monitor the impacted areas periodically, including the storm water system and the storm water retention pond, with maintenance visits biased to rain events. Absorbent pads and booms were maintained and replaced as needed to prevent migration.

Upon completion, approximately 11,094 gallon of liquids and 15 drums of spent sorbents and sediment were removed for proper disposal.