ACE’s stormwater inspectors are formally trained in erosion & sediment control management, stormwater facility inspection, plan review, and stormwater program administration. Whether you require a post-construction inspection, or annual maintenance inspections for your local county compliance, we have established relationships with county administrations and MS4 jurisdictions to help facilitate your facility inspections and ongoing compliance. Commercial property owners, industrial facility managers, and even residential HOAs rely on our expertise for management of their stormwater assets.
What we do:
- Private facility stormwater inspections
- Regulatory compliance for triennial inspections
- Confined-space entry
- Video/CCTV Inspections
What we inspect
- Detention Ponds
- Retention Ponds
- Oil/Grit & Oil/Water Separators
- Infiltration Trenches
- Bioretention & Rain Gardens
- Erosion & Sediment control for SWPPP compliance
- Inlets, Catch basins, manholes
- Stormdrain systems
- Pipelines
County Triennial Inspections
If you have received a stormwater facility inspection letter for a property you own or manage, do not delay. Often these letters require corrective action within 30-60 days, so contacting our certified/qualified stormwater professionals immediately can help you explore your options and get an understanding of cost associated. Contact RJ George at or at 443-571-5759.
COVID-19: ACE understands that the current pandemic has had financial impacts on many businesses. Contact ACE to interact with the county on your behalf to develop a tiered plan to address your stormwater issues and reduce the immediate financial impact.
Underground Maintenance
ACE has over 20-years of experience conducting maintenance on underground stormwater facilities. These facilities are designed to protect water ways by retaining sediment, trash, oil and other pollutants. Private property owners should understand that the effectiveness of these facilities is tied to periodic maintenance and cleaning to ensure function. ACE employs a variety of vehicles and a OSHA certified confined-space entry staff to clean any type of underground facility.
After maintenance, all wet and dry materials are transported to ACE’s headquarters in Baltimore, MD, where we have an MDE-appproved disposal site. Significant costs can accumulate, especially for sites that aren’t receiving regular maintenance, which is why ACE employs onsite dewatering practices that help reduce those costs for the property owner. We are built to receive any non-hazardous materials and always provide disposal tickets as proof of proper disposal.
Our fleet also utilizes hydro-excavation vehicles and jetter vehicles, which allow us to perform a variety of construction and post-construction services. We perform due diligence prior to any excavation activities and work with local entities to identify under ground assets, while hydro-excavation itself offers a safe method of locating and excavating utilities compared to traditional excavation. Our jetter vehicles allow us to clear lines for inspection, and ACE is also capable of performing traditional and trenchless pipe repair and replacement.
We maintain
- Sand Filters
- Baysavers
- Oil/Grit & Oil/Water Separators
- Stormceptors
- Detention, Retention & Storage Systems
- Storm filters
- Infiltration Trenches, Inlets, Catch Basins
BMP Maintenance & Construction
Commercial & residential properties alike may employ stormwater best management practices (BMPs). Whether you are in need of maintaining your BMPs, or looking to install them, ACE is suited to develop and implement any maintenance programs that suits your particular run off volume. Our clients include commercial and retail property owners, industrial facilities owners, property managers, and even single-family homeowners. Our equipment and skilled professionals can help you maintain any type of stormwater infrastructure. We can also help you seek reimbursement for programs specific to your county that offer reimbursement for the installation and maintenance of stormwater BMPs.
References provided upon request.
Case Studies
Check out our newest services sheet to see all that we can offer our clients.