Following a Phase I and Phase II Environmental Investigation, an environmental professional will supply a report as to what was found in the Phase II and if additional work needs to be completed in order to deem the property as free of potential liability stemming from environmental concerns. If the findings do suggest that Remediation is necessary then the environmental professional can discuss what options are available to address the environmental issues found. Remediation is unique in the fact that each job varies because the type of contamination and the size of the area vary from site to site. Client objectives must be managed in relation to applicable regulations as well as costs to manage the environmental issues.
After the Remediation work is completed the area may still need additional testing to confirm that the property has been properly remediated. The ultimate goal of a Remediation is to either rid the property of any potentially harmful environmental contamination or remove the risk. Completing a Remediation can mean that the problem is remediated or defined and encapsulated and allowed to remain on site. Variable cost calculations can be used to recalculate property values when contamination is left in place.
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