Oil tanks are a mainstay in both residential and commercial heating systems. As they age, though, they deteriorate. While that deterioration is expected, it does reach a threshold in which the underground oil tank becomes an environmental hazard. An old tank that’s experiencing corrosion can pose serious risk to the surrounding area; leaks and soil contamination are a significant concern. At that point, removal is a must. In this blog we’ll discuss how an oil tank removal can go a long way towards protecting the environment.
1. Preventing Soil and Groundwater Contamination
As we stated earlier, there’s a degree of expected rust and corrosion that takes place in an underground oil tank. It’s designed to withstand a decent amount of it. But as time goes on, that corrosion renders oil tanks dangerous for various reasons. One of these dangers is the contamination of the surrounding groundwater.
Here are some of the main risks posed by groundwater contamination.
- Loss of Soil Fertility: When this happens, the land becomes unusable for gardening and agriculture—and it’s difficult to remedy.
- Tainted Drinking Water: When this source of nourishment contains substances that are so harmful to our bodies when ingested, illness is a serious risk.
- Spread of Pollutants: Water has an amazing ability to travel far and wide under the right circumstances. If that water is contaminated by corroded oil tanks, it could damage the land in neighboring areas.
2. Protecting Local Ecosystems
A leaking oil tank can have devastating effects on the ecosystems nearby. Plant life, soil, wildlife, and even people can be harmed. If the tainted water or the spill itself reaches a waterway, it’s difficult to get under control. Removing your underground oil tank when it gets too old ensures that the ecosystems in your area—and the life they support—remain vibrant and healthy.
Some of the gravest threats posed to ecosystems by old oil tanks are:
- The poisoning of wildlife like birds and mammals that often receive direct exposure
- The disruption of food chains, eventually leading to an imbalance in local habitats
- A drop in quality in rivers, streams, and other sources of water
3. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Modern oil tanks offer plenty of features that serve to protect the environment and make life a little easier for their owners. If your tank is a relic of the past, you likely don’t get to enjoy these features. Your system likely isn’t as efficient as it could be, contributing to higher greenhouse gas emissions. When you get an oil tank removal in favor of modern alternatives—electrical heat pumps and solar heating are popular for good reason—you’re improving your carbon footprint immensely. If sustainability is one of your priorities, removal of your oil tank is an impactful first step!
Of course, you need something to replace it with. Consider investing in electric heat pumps, solar heating systems, or geothermal heating. They offer benefits like energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and renewable energy.
4. Avoiding Hazardous Cleanup Scenarios
If a leaking oil tank is left for too long, significant damage can occur. Not only does this result in the aforementioned damage to soil, water, wildlife, and more, but it’s time-consuming and costly to remedy. Contamination on a large scale requires more than just a few hours and small equipment. It becomes necessary to mount a large-scale operation to contain and remove the contaminants before they can cause further harm. By being proactive in your oil tank removal, you can save yourself the cost of one of these operations as well as avoid the associated environmental consequences—win/win!
To recap, the challenges posed by dragging your feet on removing your underground oil tank are:
- High costs associated with remediation of the soil and restoration projects
- Potential legal issues arising from environmental damage to nearby properties
- A disruption—potentially lengthy—to your property’s usability and possibly its value
If you do find yourself in a situation in which you need a hazard taken care of, our experts are up to the task. Get in touch and we’ll dispatch the proper personnel and equipment.
5. Supporting Sustainability Goals
Our modern day environmental initiatives have a strong focus on reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. By making a change away from old oil tanks, you’re contributing to a sustainable present and future. If that’s not enough of an incentive, consider this: Local governments and organizations often offer incentives for “going green,” from tax breaks to rebates. In addition, your property value will likely increase when you upgrade to an eco-friendly system.
Trust Ace with Your Oil Tank Removal
With an oil tank removal, it’s out with the old and in with the new—and the new can provide you benefits in several ways, from renewable energy and efficiency to tax breaks and other incentives. It’s time to say goodbye to your rusting underground oil tank in favor of something more beneficial to you and your neighbors. If you need additional information on this big—but worthwhile—change, get in touch with us at Ace Environmental. The environment will thank you!