Since the beginning of time, people have discovered ways to engineer the world around them. From sourcing fresh drinking water to rerouting wetland drainage, keeping precious resources flowing and sanitary has allowed the human race to survive. And as the world population continues to rise and life expectancy increases, we now need the skills and knowledge of environmental engineers more than ever.
What do Environmental Engineers do?
From air pollution to organic waste, environmental engineers are experts in the science of knowing how our world works and coupling that with how we can make it better, safer, and cleaner for everyone. These experts promote healthier environments and work diligently to keep people and humans safe from contamination and pollutants. Their skill set includes understanding air and noise pollution issues, solid and hazardous waste disposal, hazard site cleaning, environment evaluations, inspections, environmental site assessments and impact studies. If that wasn’t already a lot to have in one’s toolbelt, they also use applied research and education to develop projects, design facilities, consult on construction projects, organize operations, and develop and market environmental-control technology. As cities continue to grow and industries spring to life, their specific skill set helps ensure a safer and healthier world.
What Challenges do They Currently Face?
Water pollution is one of the biggest challenges environmental engineers face as it can cause a huge threat to human existence and water scarcity around the world. Oil spills, poorly installed erosion and sediment controls and improper sewage and hazardous waste disposal are all major causes to water contamination. This contamination can greatly impact our ecosystem. Not only must they develop technology and protocols to sustain life, but they also ensure the planet survives for future generations.
How Are They Combating These Challenges?
To combat this, more effective spill containment and E&S controls, increased forest cover, better stormwater management practices, plus increasing stream and wetland restoration projects are a few of the many measures implemented to improve our water quality by decreasing our pollution. Additionally, improving waste compaction in landfills with smart technology like stationary compactors, helps free up areas for more constructive uses that can better benefit our ecosystem. We can thank engineers dedicated to our environment for these wins.
ACE Environmental is committed to tackling every environmental challenge. Contact us now to learn more about how ACE Environmental’s solutions are helping to save the environment.